Watt-a-Lott Castle is the name for this year's holiday club - 4 mornings and one early evening of fun activities, crafts, games, drama and Bible teaching from 14 to 17 August.
It is for children in school years Reception to Year 6 and is held at The Blackbourne. Registration will be from 9.20am and the morning's activities finish at 12:30pm.
Please complete one booking form per child & return with your payment of £12.50 (max £25 per family). Please make any cheques payable to "Elmswell Churches Children's Holiday Club."
Return forms to either:
Jackie Hull
Holiday Club 2017
4 Whatley Close
Elmswell IP30 9GJ
Or at the Holiday Club stall in the Elmswell Primary School Playground at the end of the summer term.
If you have any questions or enquiries, please email Jackie Hull or call on 01359 245918.
Download booking form
If you are older and would like to be part of the Fit Crew team of helpers - please see the letter and form below:
Fit Crew Letter
Fit Crew Application Form
Mon 08 May 2017