
St John's News - 24 September 2024

Dear friends,

"A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step."

This week, we start with a quote not from the Bible, but with some through provoking words from Lao Tsu. I felt they were appropriate after my week walking the Camino Ingles in Spain. The words are especially true of our walk of faith. Rather than hesitating and getting nowhere, simply take one more step along the way.

Harvest Sunday is on 6 October and the service will be followed by a Bring and Share lunch. Please sign up for the lunch at the back of church. Any donations of non-perishable food items will be appreciated and passed onto Stowmarket Area Foodbank.

This coming Sunday, we will be continuing our series on Exodus, looking at the latter part of chapter 2. The service will include a short act of communion towards the end and Sunday School will be continue to look at the story of King David.

Looking ahead, John Evans is organising a great evening of musical entertainment on Friday 8 November, featuring Nutz 'n' Boltz and friends. Please make a note of the date and invite friends for a highly enjoyable evening. Donations on the night for the church will be kindly received.

Clare Norgate has asked me to let people know that there is a Macmillan Tea & Cake Open Garden this Friday between 1:00pm and 3:00pm:

On Saturday 2 November at 3:00pm, we are holding a special event called A Time To Remember & A Time To Give Thanks at St John’s. This short service marks the passing of loved ones and honours their memory. The service includes readings, hymns, the reading out of the names of those we are remembering, and the lighting of candles. The service is followed by some refreshments. All those who have faced bereavement are invited to attend.

The weekly church prayer meeting is on Zoom on Saturday at 9:00am for 40 minutes. You are welcome to join us by clicking here or, load Zoom and use Meeting ID: 685 295 1296 and Password: 816262.

In Christ,

Tue 24 Sep 2024
