Our new Rector, the Revd Peter Goodridge will begin his ministry here with the service of Institution, Induction & Installation on Wednesday 11 September, 2013.
This service marks the beginning of a new phase of ministry for priest and people. It is one to which all come with a high sense of anticipation of God's blessing on the years ahead, and it is right that this beginning is marked by a special service both of celebration and of dignity.
Once the priest has been instituted - given by the Bishop the 'cure of souls' - the Bishop invites the Archdeacon to induct the Priest into the 'possession' of the benefice(s). In this short ceremony, the Priest is in effect given a church building and a home to help in the task given by the Bishop. The Archdeacon then installs the new parish priest in the rector's stall.
As well as a welcome from church people, representatives of the local community also welcome the Priest, since the role of the Anglican parish priest is not only to nurture the faithful, but also to care for the whole community.
Tue 03 Sep 2013