
Welcome to St. John's, Elmswell

Please join us this Sunday at 10:30am in the church
or online via Facebook (live) or YouTube (from 1:00pm)

St John’s is a friendly, evangelical church in Elmswell, Suffolk, mid-way between Bury St Edmunds and Stowmarket. Our goal is to know Christ and make him known as we serve our community. Our services include a mix of contemporary worship songs and traditional hymns and reveal our reliance on the Bible as the Word of God and our trust in the Holy Spirit. We are strongly committed to introducing and building people up in the Christian faith through Bible teaching, prayer, worship, discipling and friendship.

As a church family, we aim to:
• Demonstrate God's love to the world
• Declare the good news of Jesus Christ
• Depend on God as part of his family

We are a broad range of people including families with young and grown-up children, pensioners, young professionals and many others. Whoever you are, of whatever age, you're very welcome to join us.

Whether you are interested in our history, wish to get married, have a child baptised, want to investigate Christianity or are looking for a place to worship and meet other Christians, we would love to see you. Why not have a look around our site to see who we are and what we do?

Like to visit the church building? See our Visitors Page

Programme of Services Card (September to December 2024)


Sunday Worship 8 December (John 1:1-4)

arrowLatest news:


arrowThis month's verse:

Matthew 1:23

The virgin will conceive and give birth to a son,
and they will call him Immanuel
(which means "God with us").

December 2024


arrowThis month's Poem:

Because I Love You

In the fullness of God's time He came,
The angel said that Jesus was His name.

For He, who all the universe had made,
Within the Virgin Mary's womb was laid.

So was He fashioned in that secret place,
The same as any child of human race.

God's only Son in true divinity,
Yet truly man in His nativity.

  "Jesus, why come to us so far below?"
  "I came My chi1d, because I love you so."

And so it was in Bethlehem's City there,
Jesus was born of Mary, true and fair.

Oh, how the angels sang to praise His birth,
Jesus the King of Heaven, born on Earth!

There in cattle manger was He laid,
Then to rough shepherds and wise men displayed.

Laid in a wooden crib for all to see,
Would some who came, be there at Calvary?

  "Jesus why come to Earth, so cruel and wild?"
  "I came because I love you so, My child."

  "Was there no other way to rescue me?
  From all my sin and my iniquity?"

  "No other way, that's how it had to be,
  Through perfect sacrifice to victory!"

So promised in the hour of Mary's pain
Is our new birth, when we are born again.

In her, the second Adam's life began,
This perfect Jesus, come to rescue man.

  "Why Jesus, did you come to take our blame?"
  "Because I love you so, My child, I came."

The sage's gift of myrrh His death foretold,
His life poured out, His body dead and cold.

The grave clothes of the tomb would mirrored be,
There in the swaddling bands of infancy.

The precious gold the wise men chose to bring
Foretells His victory, proclaims Him King!

With incense did they come to worship low,
Into eternity it would be so.

Praise be to Jesus, who has set us free!
For His great love and His nativity.

Pam Millyard

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We belong to the Diocese of St Edmundsbury and Ipswich, which is a part of the Church of England.