
CYFA Spring term Details

Date Event Venue Times
January 5th Family Service Church 9.30 am
January 12th Christianity is Christ Rectory 7.00pm - 8.30pm
January 19th Identity Rectory 7.00pm - 8.30pm
January 26th Mission Rectory 7.00pm - 8.30pm
February 2nd Family Service Church 9.30 am
February 9th Cross Rectory 7.00pm - 8.30pm
February 16th Resurrection Rectory 7.00pm - 8.30pm
February 23rd Grace Rectory 7.00pm - 8.30pm
March 2nd Family Service Church 9.30 am
March 9th Call Rectory 7.00pm - 8.30pm
March 16th Lightening Study - Who can we Trust
Psalm 57
2 Little
7.00pm - 8.30pm
March 23rd Lightening Study - Who is the Highest Refuge?  Psalm 92 2 Little
7.00pm - 8.30pm
March 30th Lightening Study - What are we to do?
Matthew 29
2 Little
7.00pm - 8.30pm


stands for Christian Youth Fellowship Association.  The CYFA group at St John’s is for young people in year 9 and upwards.  All are welcome – and feel free to bring your friends too!

Services at St John’s

CYFA members are encouraged to join the rest of the church family at the Sunday services. There are lots of ways you can be involved in serving the wider church family on Sundays, whether through music, taking part in the family service, or helping with the children’s groups.  Services happen every Sunday morning at 10.30am, apart from the first Sunday when there is a family service at 9.30am and a traditional one 11.00am

Something Special for the Spring Term

CYFA is starting at the Rectory in January and February although the daffodils may not be showing us their lovely blooms immediately we have faith that we shall see them soon.  Our Rector Peter has some special studies to share in January and February and like the daffodils these studies will give you tools from God’s word to grow your faith.  Peter and Lisa can be contacted on:

Home:  01359 240512

Contacts and Venue

CYFA leaders Jeannette, Rinze, John and Celia will be looking at a fabulous lightening series for CYFA in March which we are sure will be relevant and a blessing to all. You can reach us on the following numbers:

Jeanette & Rinze
Home: 01449 672599
Mobile: 07845 422698 or

Celia & John
Home: 01359 241015
Mobile: 07521 489538


Details of our programme are on this card and we are looking forward to enjoying great times together sharing fun, food, finding out more about how Jesus can be really relevant in our lives and generally enjoying praising God together through his amazing word, the bible.

Sat 04 Jan 2014
