
News from the Pews - 14 September

Dear Friends,

The last 18 months have been so full of uncertainty that many of us feel deflated, anxious and tired. I was reminded yesterday of the following truth:

Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and for ever.
Hebrews 13:8

These days may seem very changeable and uncertain to us. We do not know what may come tomorrow. But one thing is true. Our God does not change. He knows all things and reigns over all things. May the knowledge that our all-powerful God cares for us and watches over us lift us up, keep us from all anxiety and re-energise us.

Services online
Remember that if you cannot make it to church on Sunday, you can still join us live online at or watch later from the front page of this, our main web site.

Home groups online
At the moment we have various Home Groups meeting online using Zoom or Jitsi (similar to Zoom). Although this is not as good as meeting in person, they are still a great opportunity to meet and discuss God's Word and pray. It also helps people further away from Elmswell to join in. One group meets every other Tuesday evening at 7:30pm for 40 minutes and one meets on Wednesdays at 8pm for just over an hour. There is also a Wednesday morning group. If you would like to join, you will be made very welcome - please reply to this email if interested.

The body of Christ
As we seek to rebuild following the pandemic, please prayerfully take a look at the attachment (you may have picked up one already in church or from last week's email). We are very short on helpers at the moment. If you feel there is any way you can use any gift God had given you to serve the body in any way, please do let us know.

Praying for Phearak and Ernest
Please continue to pray for Phearak Moeng, the teenager St John's sponsors in Cambodia. We could do with some more financial donations to help this - if you feel able to help towards funding his education, please contact Chris Hall on or place a donation in an envelope marked "Phearak" and pass to Mike Brown or Peter.

Also please pray for Ernest and family - his Induction is on Saturday in Coalbrookdale and he leads his first service in his new post on Sunday.

Please note that due to Ernest's Induction, this week's church prayer meeting is cancelled.

Finally, looking ahead to October:
Friday 1 Oct 8:00pm - Nutz 'n' Boltz concert in church. Cost £7. Just turn up on the night with the cash.
Sunday 3 Oct 10:30am - Harvest Celebration (all age). Please bring donations of non-perishable goods to church. Unfortunately we cannot pass on fresh produce at the moment.
Saturday 9 Oct 10:00am - Churchyard tidy-up. We will be aiming to spend a couple of hours cutting back grass, bushes and clearing up leaves.
Sunday 10 Oct 10:30am - Mission Sunday with Christians Against Poverty.
Saturday 30 Oct 7:00pm - St John's Quiz Night (on Zoom). £5 per person.

In Christ,

Peter Goodridge
Tue 14 Sep 2021
