Dear friends,
"The Son of Man came to seek and to save what was lost." Luke 19:10
This was the theme at Sunday's lovely all age service, when Alfie Richardson was baptised. If you missed it, you can catch up here.
This coming Sunday is Holy Communion at 10:30am, where we will be thinking about the Parable of the Great Banquet in Luke 14.
Although it is no longer a legal requirement to wear a mask, the PCC feels it would be safer if we continue to wear masks during our singing of songs and hymns at church.
Church walk - 13 February 2:30pm
The walk will start from the public footpath beside the grass area in front of the "St Edmunds Drive" sign (new Taylor Wimpy estate, opposite the entrance to Blackbourne Road). You may need boots or sturdy shoes for this largely field edge, one-hour long route. Everyone is welcome.
Hot and cold refreshments will be served at the end of the walk in the Long's garden (The Brindles, Oak Lane) at approximately 3.30pm. If you don't feel able to do the walk, please do come and join us for a drink when we've returned.
If anyone would like to leave their car in the Long's driveway whilst we walk then please do. We will be setting off from The Brindles at 2.15pm to be at the start point for 2.30pm.
If the weather is poor, we will cancel the walk that morning.
Zoom Quiz Night - 5 March
Now that "Strictly" has finished, you and your team mates have no excuse. The St John's Church Zoom Quiz is on Saturday, 5 March 2022, starting at 7pm. If you wanted to enter a team, it's £5.00 per person (four in a team). Children under 16 are free. We will use break-out rooms, so you can invite another couple of friends or members of your family from another house to join you virtually.
If you do want to enter please let John Evans John Evans at (01449 781251) know and he will add you to the list and be in touch soon with more details.
Prayer Meeting
The weekly church prayer meeting is on Zoom on Saturday at 9:00am for 40 minutes. To join, click or, load Zoom and use Meeting ID: 685 295 1296 and Password: 816262.
Upcoming dates:
Wed 2 Mar 5:00pm - Ash Wednesday Service
Sat 5 Mar 7:00pm - Zoom Quiz Night
Suffolk Jubilee Prayer
Gracious God,
We give you heartfelt thanks for our Queen as we celebrate this year of her platinum jubilee.
We thank you for her life of faithful service to you, to the people of this nation, and to the Commonwealth.
Help us, the people of Suffolk, to live lives of faithful service.
Bless all who live and work in our beautiful county
Bless our communities, our villages and towns
Bless our land, our rivers and our coast
Bless our Queen, and all who call upon your name, and help us to be a blessing to others.
In the name of Jesus Christ we pray.
God bless,
Tue 08 Feb 2022