
St John's News - 22 February

Dear friends,

"No one can serve two masters. Either you will hate the one and love the other, or you will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and Money." Luke 16:13

In case you missed Gavin's excellent talk on the Parable of the Shrewd Manager from Luke 16 on Sunday, do make time to catch it here.

Ash Wednesday Service - 2 March 5:00pm
Next week sees the beginning of Lent. So that people do not have to venture out after dark, our Ash Wednesday service will be at the earlier time of 5:00pm in church. You are warmly invited to this service, which will include the imposition of ashes. Ashes are a symbol of being sorry for things we have done wrong and want to get rid of forever. They are also a reminder that we all come from ashes and to ashes we return. Marking a cross of ash on the forehead symbolises repentance & re-commitment to God.

Zoom Quiz Night CANCELLED - 5 March
Sadly, we have had to cancel the Zoom Quiz scheduled for Saturday, 5 March 2022. However, we will hopefully run an in person quiz at church towards the summer. Watch this space. Thank you to John Evans for all his organising.

Church Accounts - Independent Examiner.
As a church we need to have our accounts checked by someone outside the PCC to ensure that we have complied with the Charities Act. We are seeking somebody who can spend a few hours sometime over the next six weeks to independently examine the annual accounts produced by our treasurer, Mike Schofield. If you know of anybody who can help in this role or wish to find out more information, do let us know.
EasyFundraising offers a simple way for St John's to raise money without it costing anyone a penny extra. Every time a supporter shops online through EasyFundraising with one of over 6,000 retailers on board, they collect a free donation for St John's! All you need to do is sign up for free here and select St John's Elmswell as your chosen charity. Then, when you shop online, visit first. The rest all happens in the background. Thank you for your support.

Open the Book is back!
Great news! The school are welcoming Open the Book back into school on Wednesday 9 March. However, there is a need for more volunteers. If you would like to participate in sharing in a fun way the stories of the Bible with the schoolchildren, please contact Jackie Hull ( for more information.

Prayer Meeting
The weekly church prayer meeting is on Zoom on Saturday at 9:00am for 40 minutes. To join, click or, load Zoom and use Meeting ID: 685 295 1296 and Password: 816262.

Every blessing,

Tue 22 Feb 2022
