
St John's News - 6 December

Dear friends,

When Jesus spoke again to the people, he said, "I am the light of the world.
Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life."
John 8:12

If you missed Sunday's Christingle service, you can catch up on our YouTube channel:

There are 2 services next Sunday (11 December) - Holy Communion (and Sunday School) at 10:30am and then Carols by Candlelight at 6:30pm with mulled wine and mince pies. The Carol Service is a super opportunity to invite friends and neighbours to hear the gospel. Please think and pray about who you could invite. Also, thank you to everyone decorating the church this week.

At the back of church, by the kitchen, is a table with 2 Christmas cards and a collection box for Tearfund. Rather than sending each other cards this Christmas, please think about signing a greeting to all your friends at St John's in one of the 2 cards on the table and donating the money saved to Tearfund.

Thank you for signing Phearak's card - this has been scanned in and is being emailed to Cambodia for printing. Phearak will also receive a small Christmas present thanks to an additional donation.

Please support the Give Hope Traditional Christmas Event this Saturday (10 December) between 10am and 3pm at the Blackbourne. This free event offers people the chance to come along to find a gift for someone special, to enjoy carols sung by the local choir, a hot drink, mince pie and a biscuit. There’s also a bouncy castle and activities for children.

A reminder that the weekly church prayer meeting is on Zoom on Saturday at 9:00am for 40 minutes. To join, click or, load Zoom and use Meeting ID: 685 295 1296 and Password: 816262.

Finally, don't forget Carol Singing at the Tavern on Wednesday 21 December at 7:00pm, the Family Nativity at St John's on 24 December at 3:30pm. Midnight in Bethlehem (Holy Communion with carols and candlelight) is at 8:30pm on Christmas Eve and is a sneaky way of seeing Christmas in and still getting to bed at a civilised hour. Also note, the Christmas Day service is at the earlier time of 10:00am.

May God himself, the God of peace, make you perfect and holy,
and keep you safe and blameless, in spirit, soul and body,
for the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ,

Tue 06 Dec 2022
