Dear friends,
He was pierced for our transgressions,
he was crushed for our iniquities;
the punishment that brought us peace was on him,
and by his wounds we are healed.
Isaiah 53:5We are now in Holy Week and have some special services coming up, which provide great opportunities to invite friends and family to find out more about the heart of the Christian faith.
The Maundy Thursday Communion is on 6 April at 7:30pm, when Peter will be showing at how Easter weekend fulfils the prophecies of Isaiah 53.
The Good Friday service (Christians Together In Elmswell) is on 7 April at 10:00am, outside on the Green (by the station). This is always a moving occasion, where we gather together with other Christians. Hot cross buns will be available afterwards.
The Easter Sunday service is an All Age Communion and starts at 10:30am.
If you missed the Palm Sunday service, including the baptism of Oscar Greathead, catch up on our
YouTube channel.
The funeral of Florrie Heller is this Wednesday, 5 April 3:30pm, at the Abbey Chapel, West Suffolk Crematorium. All are welcome to attend.
Our annual meetings take place during the service on Sunday 30 April at 10:30am. The annual report and accounts for last year can be read
The weekly church prayer meeting is on Zoom on Saturday at 9:00am for 40 minutes. To join, click
here or, load Zoom and use Meeting ID: 685 295 1296 and Password: 816262.
And finally, a comment by comedian Frank Skinner on atheists:
I have friends who are atheists. There's this mate of mine. He says, "It's such rubbish. Come back to my flat and I'll make a cup of tea and we'll talk the whole thing through." So I go back with him and he puts the kettle on. "The thing is, Frank, the universe - it just happened. A big bang, an accident, no one made it happen. There's no great designer, no thought went into it or planning, it just happened - do you get it? ... Anyway, that cup of tea won't make itself."
I said, "Why not?"Happy Easter!
In Christ
Tue 04 Apr 2023