Dear friends,
So God created man in his own image,
in the image of God he created him;
male and female he created them.
Genesis 1:27Sunday was "Eco Sunday" and Councillor Andy Mellen spoke to us about caring for God's creation - you can watch the service on our
YouTube channel if you were unable to be there.
Next Sunday is Harvest Festival, followed by a Bring and Share lunch. You are invited to bring tins and packets of non-perishable food to the service and all donations will be passed onto the Stowmarket and Area foodbank.
St John's is switching to the Parish Giving Scheme, which will make the administration of our giving more efficient. If you give to St John's using a Standing Order, it would be helpful if you could switch to a Direct Debit through the scheme if possible. Paper forms to set up a Direct Debit are available at the back of church or you can print out
this form. However, you may find it easier to set it up online by going to
our web site, and clicking on the green "Donate Online" button. Please note, you will also need to stop you current standing order if you have one.
More information on the Parish Giving Scheme will be given on Sunday or you can find out more in
this attached document or here: It costs over £1500 a week to run St John’s, so your generous giving is both needed and greatly appreciated. Thank you so much for whatever you can give.
Finally, the weekly church prayer meeting is on Zoom on Saturday at 9:00am for 40 minutes. You are welcome to join us by clicking
here or, load Zoom and use Meeting ID: 685 295 1296 and Password: 816262.
In Christ
Wed 27 Sep 2023