Dear friends,
‘Don’t be afraid; just believe.’
Mark 5:36 If you missed the service on Sunday, remember you can watch it on our
YouTube channel.
Next Sunday's service includes the Lord's Supper and Tom Hart will be preaching on Mark 6:1-30. Sunday School will be looking at the crucifixion.
A note for diaries - the Annual Church Meetings will be held during the service on Sunday 21 April.
There are various services taking place at St John's next week in the run up to Easter.
On Wednesday, 27 March at 12:15pm, there will be an Easter Week Communion followed by a light lunch with soup and rolls -
please sign up at the back of church or email for catering purposes.On Maundy Thursday (28 March), a Tenebrae Service with the Lord's Supper will take place at 7:30pm. Tenebrae is Latin for shadows and, during this moving service, candles will be extinguished one by one as we hear readings from Matthew’s account of Maundy Thursday/Good Friday. The aim is to dramatise the increasing darkness as Jesus goes from the Last Supper to face betrayal, abandonment, trial and execution.
The annual Christians Together In Elmswell Good Friday Service will be on the Green (by the station) at 10:00am on Friday 29 March. Please support this short public act of worship and witness. Hot cross buns will be distributed at the end.
Finally, our service on Easter Sunday, 31 March, is at 10:30am and will be a Family Communion Service.
Don't forget, the weekly church prayer meeting is on Zoom on Saturday at 9:00am for 40 minutes. You are welcome to join us by clicking
here or, load Zoom and use Meeting ID: 685 295 1296 and Password: 816262.
In Christ,
Tue 19 Mar 2024