Dear friends,
Just a few notices this week.
Please note there are no services of midweek Night Prayer until Tuesday 5 January. There is no prayer meeting or Coffee and Chat this Saturday (26 December) - these will resume on Saturday 2 January.
Christmas Eve:
Please join us online for the St John's Nativity at 3:30pm on Facebook or from the St John's web site. The Late Night Communion will be in church at 11:00pm - a great way to see in Christmas Day.
Christmas Day:
The service will NOT be in church, but over Zoom at 10:00am. To join us, click or load Zoom and use Meeting ID: 685 295 1296 and Password: 816262
Sunday 27 December:
No Sunday School, but there will be a shorter service in church (also streamed online) at 10:30am.
Recent Services:
In case you missed any of the three services from Sunday/Monday, you can access them from the home page of the St John's web site.
Christianity Explored:
Finally, do think about the Christianity Explored series that starts on Sunday 3 January at 7:00pm over Zoom. This is a great way to explore the person of Jesus and the Christian faith - if you, or perhaps somebody you know and are praying for, may be interested, please get in touch for more details.
Peter Goodridge
Mon 21 Dec 2020